One of Freemasonry’s ancient traditions is not to solicit members. Men must seek membership on their own through a Mason they know, or through a local lodge.
California Masonic membership is open to men ages 18 and older who meet the qualifications and standards of character and intention, and who believe in a Supreme Being. Good men of all social, ethnic and religious backgrounds are welcome.
If you meet the general requirements for membership and are interested in joining the Fraternity or learning more about Freemasonry and our lodge, you are welcome to visit us at Elysian Lodge on the first Thursday of the month for our Stated Meeting dinner. Dress code is coat and tie. Dinner is provided free of charge to prospective members on their first visit, as well as widows of our deceased brethren. Feel free to RSVP with our Secretary Perfecto Gallardo . Should you decide to apply, a Mason may recommend you for membership and assist with completing and submitting an application. This decision is not to be rushed: you are encouraged to visit us and inquire as often as you would like.
After submitting your application, you will be interviewed by members of the lodge you wish to join at your home, so they can gauge your character and intentions, and answer any further questions about Freemasonry. If the interview is favorable, your application is presented to the lodge for a vote. If the vote is unanimous in favor, you are eligible to receive the Entered Apprentice degree – the first degree of Freemasonry. You can then advance through the next two degrees, Fellowcraft and Master Mason, with the third degree becoming a full member of the lodge and Fraternity.