Elysian Lodge #418

Elysian Lodge #418

Free and Accepted Masons

Elysian Home

Welcome to the official website of the Elysian Lodge #418.

We at Elysian Masonic Lodge are proud of our diverse, welcoming and inclusive membership, reflective of our values as Freemasons and of our presence in the world class city of Los Angeles. We are honored to continue our lodge’s tradition of exemplifying that peace and harmony reputed to have existed in the Elysian Fields of Greek mythology, and which have distinguished the Masonic brotherhood for ages.

Our Stated Meeting takes place every first Thursday of the month at 7:00PM with dinner at 6:30PM. Please check the Trestle board for month-by-month calendar information.

If you are looking to join or affiliate, contact the Lodge Master

Frank Barbano
Phone: (323) 394-2447
Email: barbano@mac.com

Lodge Contact

Elysian Lodge is located at 1900 N. Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90027.

Our Stated Meeting takes place every first Thursday of the month with Stated Meeting at 7:00 PM and dinner at 6:30PM. Please check the Trestle board for month-by-month calendar information.

To contact Elysian Lodge, call (323) 394-2447 or email barbano@mac.com.


Elysian Lodge #418 Location